ILLUMINATE Launches 1000 Acts of Courage Campaign

Our global community is in crisis – discrimination and violence against women (including all who identify as such) hurts us all. Across the United States and around the world, people are taking courageous actions EVERY DAY to expand and increase women’s safety, well being, and opportunities to contribute and influence our world.

Inspired by the film This Changes Everything, the 1000 Acts of Courage Campaign intends to give voice to the silence, to help people recall actions they have taken, and to share their courageous experiences that have interrupted the discrimination that exists against girls and women.  

By contributing an act of courage (here!), you will put yourself in the mindset of being a creator of change, increasing the likelihood that you will act courageously again. By sharing these acts of courage, we intend to both honor those who have spoken and inspire all of us in bringing about a world where girls and women have equal opportunities to thrive.

What is an act of courage?

An act of courage takes place when someone leans into vulnerability or risks losing something they care about in order to take a stand on their own behalf or on the behalf of someone else. We are seeking acts of courage that specifically:

  • break down gender stereotypes
  • expand opportunities for women’s employment,  leadership, and influence
  • support the elimination of discrimination against girls and women

For little ones, an act of courage might be to try activities at school that are stereotypically done by the other gender, or to request stories about being a courageous girl or woman. For young boys, an act of courage could be to share their feelings, helping to redefine vulnerability as being brave rather than weak.

For teens, acts of courage may be to disrupt gender stereotyping that they see with their parents, teachers, or among peers when they make jokes or putdowns. Courage may also look like considering courses of study or careers that are traditionally gender based. For young women, courage may be seeking out a mentor to help pursue a career interest, or speaking up when someone uses inappropriate sexual language or behavior.

For adults, an act of courage may be to speak out at work when you or someone you know is being harassed or treated unfairly because of their gender. As a woman, it could be challenging a doctor about your health if they are not taking you seriously, asking for a raise/review/promotion at work, or expressing discomfort rather than laughing off unwanted advances. As a man, an act of courage might be to say, “let her finish” if a female colleague is interrupted during a meeting, or to stop apologizing for that one friend who often goes too far with women and start talking to him about his behavior. No matter your gender, it is an act of courage to consciously feel and express your emotions.  

When you share your story, you are being courageous by being vulnerable. You are also priming yourself to recognize and act on future opportunities to create a better world. Last but not least, you are inspiring others to be bold and courageous too. Each act of courage shared will expand our understanding of what we can do to create change and illuminate a vision of what is possible.