Carol – Campaign Director, 1000 Acts of Courage

An act of courage submission for the 1000 Acts of Courage campaign – a community-building conscious action campaign collecting one thousand courageous acts for the well-being, empowerment, and equity of girls and women:

I knew that wasn’t happy in my work and I held a vision for starting a program for girls where they could work with a core group of adults and follow their passions in the arts. In June, I gave my employer a 6 month notice that I would be leaving effective December 1st. In November, 3 weeks before I would be out of a job, I was told about a school that was going to be starting in Indianapolis. They were looking for a principal/school director. I watched a video about the school design, which was based on helping teens follow their passions and have internships – just what I was imagining. I interviewed for the position and started my first day the Monday after my 6 month notice was up.

I basically walked away from a job without having another one and with only a vision of what I wanted to create. I was a divorced parent with two daughters at the time, so money was really tight. But I felt like teen young women needed something different for school and for their lives. I ended up starting a high school and young women got opportunities to try on careers that they wouldn’t have thought possible. While it was the hardest job I’ve ever had, I did experience the power of holding a vision and going for your dreams and having them come true.