Arizona Premiere

Now available on Vudu, YouTube, iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.

Judith is a lonely, middle-aged widow, struggling with the fact that her daughter Lily appears to have thrown away a bright future by dropping out of law school to join a Bohemian commune. The commune, led by the enigmatic Anita, aspires to a way of life that mirrors the behavior of the bonobo ape, an animal whose social structure centers around a “make love, not war” philosophy. Judith follows Lily to the commune to talk some sense into her and take her home. As Judith’s presence is a disturbance to the Bonobo way of life, Anita agrees to resolve the conflict between mother and daughter, provided Judith spends time with the group and gives their approach a chance. What ensues is a lively, humor-tinged exploration of affirming what is right for each individual. In the end, all parties involved come to a new understanding of what works best in terms of sexual self-identification, appropriate boundaries and life path. Ranging from broad comedy to subtle emotional drama, Bonobo uses humorous dialogue, deft camera work and great ensemble acting to show us what, if anything, we can learn from the bonobo ape and what we need to learn for ourselves.

Cast & Crew   Technical
Matthew Hammett Knott

Matthew Hammett Knott, Joanna Benecke

Executive Producers:
Richard Holmes

Farhana Bhula

James Aspinall

Sean Barton

Principal Cast:
Tessa Peake-Jones, Josie Lawrence, James Norton

Run Time:
83 min




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