Category Archives: Films

Films, screenings, movies, cinema

ILLUMINATE Co-Presents “Heart of a Dog”

ILLUMINATE Film Festival features year-round screenings of conscious films and programs to keep your consciousness expanded throughout the year.

HEART OF A DOG, a film by Laurie Anderson is presented by Sedona International Film Festival in partnership with ILLUMINATE at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre, in Sedona, Arizona on December 11-17, 2015.

HEART OF A DOG is shortlisted for the 2016 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature for the upcoming Oscars. It is one of the top 15 documentaries of the year vying for one of the five nominations and going for the coveted gold statue. ... [read more]

AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda Lives On in Sedona

The Life of YoganandaSpecial Screening of AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda for the Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference

AWAKE, the film that never dies… at least in Sedona!  Since it premiered at ILLUMINATE in May 2014, AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda has returned to enthrall Sedona audiences seven times in 18 months, an unusual feat for even a Hollywood film.

This topical tale of the East Indian mystic who brought yoga to the West continues to draw spiritual filmgoers. ... [read more]

Movies Add Life

By Sheron Foster, ILLUMINATE Lead Programmer pictured above

I admit that I have sometimes felt lost in my life. I may have been unsure which direction to turn, or I wasn’t sure who I should trust or sometimes I just couldn’t seem to make a necessary decision. I hate when that happens! Also, there where times in my life when it would be very appropriate to me to jump for joy, or have a much needed meltdown and dissolve into tears, but I just couldn’t allow myself to be that vulnerable, for various reasons. During those times, I always thanked my lucky stars for movies! ... [read more]